Maximizing Savings: The Power of Metrics for Time and Cost Efficiency

Efficiency often goes unnoticed until it is linked to financial outcomes. However, it refers to achieving optimal performance while minimizing time and effort wastage. Assessing if you’re investing your time in the right direction is crucial. By leveraging metrics to analyze efficiency, you can identify areas of improvement and reduce costs.

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Identifying Community Contributors: The new Identities Manager is now available!

In the last months, we have been excitedly sharing our latest developments in the Bitergia Analytics Platform. Now, we have unveiled the new Identities Manager User Interface with an all-new and improved user experience to help you identify community contributors. It’s time to prepare for this release on the platform, so we want to recap all the basics you must know!

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7 metrics to evaluate risk in Open Source libraries

Metrics to assess risk in open source libraries are becoming more important. We need these tools and techniques to evaluate and mitigate the potential risks associated with using third-party open source software libraries in our own software applications. So, this blog post describes seven important metrics to evaluate this risk from an open source community perspective.

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Give Credit Where Credit Is Due: Identify Contributors From Commit Messages

Want to identify all contributors who helped with the source code of an open source project but find yourself limited by what is officially captured in the git-log? Maybe your project, like the Linux Kernel, keeps track of who helped with patches by adding their name to the commit message, but tools don’t usually understand how to analyze this properly.

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