Some charts about Allura

In the context of our collaboration with the Allura project, we have run some of the Metrics Grimoire tools on its repositories to produce yet another Bitergia report. Allura, currently in the Apache incubator, is the new generation forge for software development which powers the new (see the old website of the Allura project at SourceForge for more information about the project).

Allura Analysis
Analysis of the Allura project

We have performed an analysis on its git (which stores the history of the changes to the source code) and Allura issue tracking (which stores all tickets and their state changes) repositories, and on its mailman archives (which stores messages sent to the project mailing lists).

With this report, we are also testing a new layout for the summary of a project, which shows in the same web page a condensed view of the main stats for each repository (on the central column), and some detailed charts about the same data (on the right column).

You can now have a look at the preview of the complete report, or go on reading this post for some details about it.

Even before looking at the charts, it is important to notice that the period of analysis for each of the sources (git, Allura issue tracking, mailman) is different. For git, we have history since October 2009, while the first ticket filed with the issue tracking system dates from July 2010 and the first mail message is from July 2012 (devel and users mailing lists). This just reflects when the project started to use the corresponding systems, but it is worth noticing to avoid false comparisons between the charts.

Therefore, the longest data are for git, which shows an steady flow of commits for about two years, with the usual peaks and valleys. The most prominent peak (779 commits) is dated just before entering the Apache Incubator, on May 2012. Except for this point, activity is maintained at about 150-200 commits per month for most of the analyzed period, with a committer team of 6-8 persons. Only during the last three months the number of committers active per month falls down to 3-4. It is also worth mentioning how since February 2012 the project has started to really use git branches.

For the issue tracking system, the activity is stable, at about 100 tickets opened, 10-20 ticket openers, 75 closed, and 6-11 closers per month. It was much higher at the beginning of the period, with a peak of 268 tickets opened in March 2011, which by the way is acknowledged with a higher activity in ticket closing during the next months. It is also worth noticing how the lowest activity in ticketing (December 2011) is coincident with the lowest activity in git. This coincidence suggest that the project as a whole was less active during those dates.

For mailing lists the period with data is still too short to extract conclusions about trends or patterns.

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