Mid Liberty Release Cycle: OpenStack Quarterly Report

Finally we released a new version of the OpenStack Quarterly report. This is intended to provide insights about the software development process of the OpenStack projects. This covers information from several data sources such as Git, Launchpad, Gerrit, Mailing lists, ask.openstack.org and IRC channels. And it aims at providing quantitative and qualitative information about the activity, community and software process.

The executive summary of the document is as follows:
  • Users community keeps growing. With an increase of more than a 300% in the total number of questions posted in ask.openstack.org, this is the unique communnication channels with such measured increase. Other channels such as IRCor mailing lists also grow but slower. Although this is the activity measured for the last year, the last quarter shows a significant activity drop.
  • Active Core Reviewers are increasing. Although mid-release cycle analysis usually show drops of activity in most of the areas, the total number of active core reviewers has reached a new peak. Up to 339 core reviewers participated in the review process. This shows an increase of around 9% if compared to the previous quarter analysis.
  • Process keeps stable. The time to merge patches for the main projects show similar numbers than in previous quarter. However, Nova seems to be the project out of the common time to review with up to 10 days. On the other hand, Glance is more in line with the rest of the projects if compared to previous quarter. In any case, Glance shows the second highest meadian time to review with up to 7 days.
  • IRC activity recovers old activity. Due to unknown issues, the total logs analyzed in the last two previous quarters indicated a huge drop of activity. However, last analysis on this data source shows activity in line with previous quarters. Although this is still an unknown issue, the IRC activity has recovered expected activity.

Project teams are also covered in this quarterly report. This quarterly report follows the Governance file for projects, but ignores specs files. Previous versions of the quarterly report such as 2015-Q1 or 2014-Q4 divided projects into the integrated project, specs, clients and others, with specific sections.

This study can be replicated using the databases available for the OpenStack project and the tag 15.02 of the GrimoireLib library that allows to query those databases.

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